The influence of double bonds in the terminal chain of 2-ring compounds on the physical properties of S*cmixtures

We present the properties of S*c mixtures containing new 2-ring 5-n-alkyl-2-(4-n-alkenyloxyphenyl)pyridines and pyrimidines with systematically varying positions and configurations of the double bond Trans configurations at odd positions (counting the number of atoms from the core including the oxygen and the first carbon atom of the double bond) suppress the SA phase, increase the S*c tilt angle, Θ, and the spontaneous polarization, P s, and lead to long switching times τ. Cis configurations at even positions suppress the nematic phase in favour of smectic phases, decrease Θ and P s, and shorten τ. Other positional configurational combinations strongly reduce the clearing point. Furthermore, our results indicate that the preferred conformation of the alkenyloxy chain consists of alternating cis and trans units.