Charmonium Production in Photon-Photon Collisions

We have searched for the two-photon production of the ηc, χ0, and χ2 charmonium states at the SLAC e+e collider PEP in the channels γγK±KS0π, γγK+Kπ+π, γγπ+ππ+π, and γγK+KK+K. We identify four ηc candidates in the K+KK+K channel on a negligible background; the one φφ event among them implies a 95%-confidence-level (C.L.) lower limit for Γγγ(ηc) of 1.7 keV. In the other channels we find no evidence for any of the three states. We establish 95%-C.L. upper limits Γγγ(ηc)<15.5 keV, Γγγ(χ0)<17.0 keV, and Γγγ(χ2)<4.2 keV. From all channels combined, we obtain the value Γγγ(ηc)=6.43.4+5.0 keV.