Characteristic x-ray production by argon projectiles moving in graphite targets between 30 and 200 keV
- 1 September 1975
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review A
- Vol. 12 (3) , 856-868
Thick-target yields and x-ray spectra have been measured for argon ions impinging on graphite targets at energies between 30 and 200 keV. The thick-target yields of carbon -shell and argon -shell x rays are analyzed on the basis of a simple model involving multiple collisions and molecular-orbital promotions. The analysis results in average argon -shell fluorescence yields and total decay rates for argon ions traversing the solid. These values are found to be substantially lower than those appropriate to argon ions traversing a gas target. An explanation for the differences is proposed, and found to be corroborated by analysis of the observed x-ray spectra. An approximate determination of the argon -shell vacancy distribution is obtained and compared with beam-foil charge equilibrium measurements.
This publication has 28 references indexed in Scilit:
- Vacancy configurations of argon projectile ions in solidsPhysical Review A, 1974
- X-ray production in heavy-ion—atom collisions:3dσand4fσelectron promotionPhysical Review A, 1974
- New Technique for the Measurement of Lifetimes of Heavy-Ion Inner-Shell VacanciesPhysical Review Letters, 1974
- Characterization of Charge States of Energetic Ions in Solids from AssociatedX-Ray ProductionPhysical Review Letters, 1974
- Charge States and Charge-Changing Cross Sections of Fast Heavy Ions Penetrating Through Gaseous and Solid MediaReviews of Modern Physics, 1972
- Differences in Inner-Shell Vacancy Production for Ar-C Collisions in Gas Versus Solid TargetsPhysical Review Letters, 1971
- Production of CarbonX Rays by Heavy-Ion BombardmentPhysical Review A, 1971
- A Method of Correcting for Incident Ion Buildup Effects in Measurements of Thick Target X-Ray Yields from Ion-Atom CollisionsReview of Scientific Instruments, 1971
- A Small Bragg Diffraction X-Ray SpectrometerReview of Scientific Instruments, 1970
- Parylene Thin Films for Radiation ApplicationsReview of Scientific Instruments, 1970