The Effects of Mode of Test Administration on Test Performance

This study sought to determine whether the mean score on the computerized version of an arithmetic reasoning test would be significantly lower than that on the paper-and-pencil version when there was no time limit. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant difference between the mean scores. A test for an interaction between Mode of Administration and ability was also performed. Test performance was measured by the number-correct score on the Experimental Arithmetic Reasoning Subtest; ability was measured by the Arithmetic Reasoning subtest of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Subjects were 585 military recruits between the ages of 18 and 25. There were 300 subjects in the Paper-and-Pencil Mode and 285 in the Computer Mode. Subjects were randomly assigned to either mode. A significant main effect for Mode (p < .05) was found, with the mean score obtained by computer lower than that obtained by paper-and-pencil. No interaction between Mode and ability was found. Possible explanations are given and discussed.