Equilibrium electron theory of electrical conduction.—(1) General equation. Accepting the simple electron theory expression for specific conductivity, the concentration of free electrons is supposed to be determined by the reaction: normal atompositiveion+ν electrons, which is governed by the ordinary laws of chemical equilibrium, and this gives for the specific electrical resistance ρ=C(νN)1(ν+1)TaebT, where ν is the valence in the reaction, N the concentration of atomic nuclei, a=(ν+4)2(ν+1), b=(ϕ0ψ0)(ν+1)R, (ϕ0ψ0) being the mean energy required to bring about the hypothetical reaction of 0°K. This formula shows fair quantitative agreement with experimental data for both good and poor conductors; in particular, the constant a is about 1.25 for the alkali metals and less for metals of higher valence except in the case of Fe and Ni. For the metals the requirement is that ϕ0 be slightly less than ψ0 while for poor conductors ϕ0 must be considerably greater than ψ0. (2) Interpretation of constant b in terms of photoelectric and thermionic work functions. ϕ0 and ψ0 are identified with the photoelectric energy function and with the corresponding thermionic function respectively. According to the theory proposed the ordinary expression for the thermionic saturation current becomes: i=BT(4ν+1)2(ν+1)eωRT, where ω=(ϕ0+νψ0)(ν+1) in the present notation. Therefore for metals the photoelectric ϕ0 and the thermionic ω as experimentally determined should be practically identical, while for poor conductors the experimental ϕ0 should considerably exceed ω. These conclusions are both in agreement with the facts. (3) Explanation of photo-conduction. This theory suggests that the mean value of ϕ0 is diminished by absorption of radiation of the resonance frequency. For poor conductors this would bring about an increase in conductivity. While for metals at ordinary temperatures the conductivity would not be sensibly affected, at very low temperatures metals should prove photo-sensitive.