Radioimmunoassay of somatomedin‐C in the baboon (Papio cynocephalus): A comparison of multiple techniques of measurement

This study was undertaken to assess the nature of somatomedin-C (SM-C) in baboon (Papio cynocephalus) blood and to compare various methods for estimating SM-C concentrations. Parallel dose-response curves were obtained with normal baboon serum, normal human serum, and purified SM-C. Recovery of purified SM-C added to baboon serum over a wide dosage range (n = 17) was 111 ± 12%, with slightly better recovery at higher potencies. Chromatography of normal baboon serum on Sephadex G-200 at neutral pH produced a profile similar to that observed in the human, as did samples chromatographed on Sephadex G-50 in acid. Although the SM-C content in acid chromatographed plasma was approximately 2.5 times higher than in native unprocessed plasma, there was excellent correlation between the values (r = 0.9143, p < 0.0001). The SM-C in baboon plasma which had been preincubated with glycine HCl was approximately twice that of unprocessed plasma, but the correlation between the two methods was excellent (r = 0.9593, p < 0.0001). The correlation between values obtained after simple acid-ethanol extraction and those observed in unextracted plasma were also significant (r = 0.7689, p < 0.0001). Following a series of four injections of human growth hormone (hGH) to a normal baboon, plasma SM-C rose approximately sevenfold above the initial concentration and returned to basal levels five days after the final injection. These studies show that although the radioimmunoassay (RIA) for SM-C in unprocessed baboon plasma does not measure all of the SM-C present, it provides a reliable index of the total SM-C concentration and reflects GH status in the baboon.