Narrow-channel effects in LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFETs with variable thickness

The continuous trend towards smaller geometries implies the analysis of both short- and narrow-channel effects. Although the narrow channels are of high interest in low-power/low-voltage applications, relatively few and rather contrasting results have, in the past, been reported (Kuo et al, 1995; Fung et al, 1998; Wang et al, 2000; Cristoloveanu and Li, 1995; Zhao and Ioannou, 1999). The narrow-channel effects depend on the isolation technology (MESA, LOCOS, STI), wafer origin (SIMOX, Unibond, etc.), device architecture (fullyor partially depleted MOSFETs) and film thickness. In this paper, we attempt to elucidate the narrow-channel effects in fully depleted, LOCOS isolated n-MOSFETs as well as their relationship with other key dimensional effects (short channels and ultra-thin films).