The diffractive process γ*(Q2)pV+X (where V=ρ0,ω,φ are the vector mesons, consisting of light quarks, and X represents the hadrons to which a proton dissociates) is studied. We consider the region of large momentum transfers ‖t‖≫ΛQCD2, and large energies s. In the leading logarithm approximation of perturbative QCD (using the BFKL equation) the asymptotic behavior of the cross section in the limit s→∞,s≫‖t‖,Q2 is obtained. We compare the results derived from the BFKL equation with that obtained in the lowest order of QCD (two-gluon exchange in the t channel). The possibility to investigate these reactions at DESY HERA is discussed. © 1996 The American Physical Society.