Immunophenotypic, genomic and clinical characteristics of blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukaemia

We have studied phenotypic and clinical features in a consecutive series of 45 patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) in blast crisis (BC). In addition, in 22 of these patients we have analysed the genotypic characteristics including immunoglobulin, T‐cell receptor (TCR) and major breakpoint cluster region (M‐bcr) gene organization. The granulomonocytic and megakaryoblastic lineages are the most commonly involved in these BC of CML (33% and 33% of cases, respectively); only 18% of our cases displayed a lymphoid phenotype. Moreover, both morphological and immunophenotypic studies revealed the frequent coexistence of two or three cell populations, especially when the megakaryoblast component is involved. The lymphoid BC displayed the highest incidence of complete remissions although this was not associated with a longer survival. Only minor differences between the different myeloid subgroups were observed. Immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene rearrangement was found in five of the six lymphoid BC and in one myeloid BC. Only one case showed k light chain gene rearrangement. In all but one myeloid BC the TCR‐β gene was in germline configuration. The TCR‐γ gene was rearranged in all lymphoid and one myeloid BC, while TCR‐δ gene rearrangement was detected in 67% and 16% of the lymphoid and myeloid BC, respectively. Most of the lymphoid BC (4/5) had the M‐bcr breakpoint in subregion 3, while the myeloid BC had the breakpoint either in subregion 2 or 3. No differences between the different myeloid phenotypic subgroups were observed in relation to breakpoint.

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