The distribution of salmonella agglutinins in sera of healthy adults at Ibadan

The distribution of salmonella agglutinins among 2117 normal sera from 1054 male and 1063 female adult population of Ibadan is described, and the relation of the distribution of the agglutinins with the antigens of salmonella strains isolated over 2-year period in a hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria, is discussed.We wish to thank Prof. B. G. T. Elmes and Dr J. B. Lawson for their help with the collection of specimens. Our thanks are due to Mr R. J. Leeming, F.I.M.L.T. for his technical assistance.(Part of the material upon which this paper is based is included in a thesis for submission for the Cambridge M.D. degree by one of us (D.M.).)