Mapping the GA3‐insensitive dwarfing gene ct1 on chromosome 7 in rye

A gibberellic acid‐insensitive dwarfing gene in rye (ct1) was mapped in an F2 population on chromosome 7R close to the centromere. Two RFLP markers were found, which flank the gene at distances of 1 and 3 cM, respectively. A total of 11 markers were mapped on 7R of which six cluster around the centromere and show segregation distortion in the case of the codominant markers. The ct1 gene is closely linked to copies of both α‐amylase and EmBP, as is the ct2 gene on chromosome 5R. Because of the different chromosomal locations of the GA3‐insensitive dwarfing genes in rye and wheat it is concluded that these genes are not homoeologous. This is supported by further differences in their phenotypic and genotypic expressions.