Kinetic mechanisms in a 16 μm CO2 laser

A rate equation model is used to examine the time evolution of vibrational excitation and subsequent lasing of an optically pumped DF/CO2 or HBr/CO2 laser. With this model, one may simulate optical pumping of DF/CO2/He/N2 mixtures with a pulsed DF laser, or direct pumping of CO2 or HBr/CO2 mixtures with an HBr laser. This model includes the simulation of optical saturation at 9.4 μm. Rotational nonequilibrium phenomena are also included in the models. Model calculations reveal the relative importance of various kinetic relaxation mechanisms. Rotational hole burning effects are observed for all calculations simulating line selected operation. The effect of the strength and duration of the pump laser and the 9.4 μm saturation pulse are examined. Finally, the model is found to compare well with laboratory observations of pulsed HBr/CO2 laser performance.