Effect of Auranofin and Sodium Aurothiomalate on lnterleukin-1 Production from Human Monocytes In Vitro

Remvig L, Enk C, Bligaard N. Effect of auranofin and sodium aurothiomalate on interleu-kin-1 production from human monocytes in vitro. Scand J Rheumatology 1988; 17:255-262. The continuous presence of Auranofin (AF), 1.0 μg/ml and above, or sodium aurothiomalate (GST), 2.0 μg/ml and above, inhibited the phytohaemagglutinin-induced proliferation of monocyte-depleted mononuclear cells. Preincubation of monocytes (M<p) with AF, 1.0 μg/ml, caused a minor increase in the co-stimulatory effect of LPS-induced Mø-culture supernatants, whereas preincubation with AF 2.5 μ.g/ml and above resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in production of the co-stimulatory factor–probably interleukin-1 (IL-1). This inhibition is not due to decreased M<p viability, production of suppressive substances, or drug interference with the IL-1 test assays. A similar preincubation with GST up to 100 μg/ml had no effect on IL-1 production, nor did preincubation with fhioglucopyr-anose, triethylphosphine or chloroauric acid, the three molecular sub-components of AF. The inhibitory effect of AF on the production of IL-1–as well as other co-stimulatory monokines–and on lymphocyte proliferation might explain the anti-inflammatory and disease-modifying effect of the drug.