Measurement and partial-wave analysis of the reactionKpKS0π+πnat 6 GeV/c

We have performed a partial-wave analysis of the reaction KpKS0π+πn at 6 GeV/c. We present the results of the analysis of about 4500 events in the low-t region (|t|<0.2 GeV2) for the dominant waves in the 1200-to-2000-MeV mass range. We observe the 2+ K*(1430) and clear signals for the 1+ Q2(1400) and the 3 K*(1800). We find a new 1 resonance at about 1500 MeV and have some evidence for another 1 resonance at 1800 MeV. We also present the results of a partial-wave analysis as a function of t in the 1430-MeV mass region.