Directγtransitions inC12+C12

Preliminary results of an experiment to detect γ transitions between the high energy particle unstable structures known in the C12 + C12 system are reported. The specific process investigated is (C12 + C12) 25.8 MeV (c.m.) → γ + (C12 + C12) 19.3 MeV (c.m.) → γ + C12 + C12 (g.s. or 2+). The initial energy is near the center of the gross structure thought to have Jπ=14+, and 19.3 MeV is the energy of the 12+ intermediate width resonance. An upper limit (one standard deviation) is found (ΓγΓ)25.8 Mev(2 to 8)×106 depending on the analysis procedure. This result shows there is no collective γ decay between the intermediate width resonances at the energies studied here, and is comparable in size and consistent with resonance-fragmentation models but does not exclude nonresonant ones.