Application of a band crossing model for resonances in high energyC12-C12scattering

Resonance phenomena observed in single and mutual 21+ inelastic scattering and in 31 inelastic scattering in the C12-C12 system are investigated using a band crossing model. It is shown that characteristic features of the observed resonances can be well understood and well reproduced by the model. The coupling between wide resonances is also discussed. Another important prediction of the model, i.e., transfer of the dominant components of resonances from single and mutual 21+ excitations to the 31 excitation with increasing scattering energy appears to be realized. These facts support the validity of the band crossing model in this system. We conclude that the prominent correlated resonances observed in high energy inelastic C12-C12 scattering can be considered as a strong evidence for the existence of nuclear molecular phenomena in this energy range.