Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Static Properties of the Baryons in the Quark-Gluon Model

The longitudinal structure function [WL(q2,ν)] of inelastic neutrino and electron scattering is studied in the deep-inelastic limit in the canonical quark-gluon model. Although WL(q2,ν) vanishes asymptotically in this model, νWL(q2,ν) should scale. Sum rules are derived which relate integrals over the scaling limit of νWL(q2,ν) and the well-known structure function F2(q22ν) to octet baryon masses, the Gell-Mann—Oakes—Renner parameter (c), and the pion-nucleon sigma term (σπ). The sum rules are convergent, since leading Regge terms are to be subtracted off according to a well-known prescription and contain no arbitrary constants if the residues of α=0 singularities in forward current-hadron scattering are polynomials in q2. The sum rules are derived using light-cone techniques. It is shown that the parton model and Bjorken-Johnson-Low commutators yield identical results. Similar sum rules are presented for other interactions and scalar "quarks." Estimates of c and σπ allow numerical evaluation of the sum rules indicating that the integrals over νWL(q2,ν) are small. The pattern of chiral-symmetry breaking in the vector-gluon model is discussed. It is shown that the dictum that scaling laws may be abstracted from free-field theory leads to difficulties (in that it generates too trivial a theory) if applied to the chiral-symmetry-breaking structure functions of neutrino scattering. Abstraction from gluon models, however, remains adequate.