The change in the plasma concentration of amino acids in postabsorptlve state and in response to dietary deprivations in normal and obese subjects was studied. After an overnight fast, except for a higher con-concentration of branched/chain amlno acids in the plasma of obese subjects, there was essentially no significant difference between the plasma composition of amlno acids in normal or obese subjects [Ion exchange chromatography]. Total starvation for a period of 2 weeks resulted in alteration of the plasma amlno acid concentrations which were similar in both obese and nonobese subjects. Besides the transient rise of the branched-chain amino acid concentrations, there was a persistent elevation of the glycine and a fall of alanine concentrations. On the other hand, isocalorlc protein-free diet feeding for 2 weeks in normal subjects resulted in a prompt and marked elevation of the plasma alanine concentration and, to a lesser extent, an elevation of the glycine concentratlon.