Vascular complications in renal transplantation: The Johannesburg experience

The aim of this retrospective study, involving 909 renal transplants in 773 patients, was to determine the incidence of vascular complications. Four patients had isolated calf vein thrombosis (0.4%), 13 had ileofemoral thrombosis (1.4%), 3 had superficial vein thrombosis (0.3%), 10 developed pulmonary emboli (1.1%), 6 had renal vein thrombosis (0.66%), 3 had renal artery thrombosis (0.3%), 3 had renal artery stenosis, 2 patients developed anastomotic aneurysms and a further patient ruptured his arterial anastomosis. Cyclosporine has not increased the incidence of thrombosis since its introduction to the unit.