Effects of Meat Type, Storage Time and Temperature on Various Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Ground Pork

Whole-hog sausage was prepared from hot- and cold-boned pork raw materials to determine the effects of meat type, storage temperature and length of storage on various processing and bacteriological characteristics. Samples were stored at −1 and 4°C for 0, 28 and 56 d. Various physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the sausage were evaluated. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values were not affected by meat type (pre or postrigor). Hunter-Color values varied significantly among the meat types and storage temperatures. Total bacterial counts varied significantly among the hot- and cold-boned pork sausage samples (day 0). Cold-boned sausage stored at −1°C had lower plate counts of the various treatments for days 28 and 56. Pseudomonas was the predominant organism found in hotand cold-boned sausage samples. Hot-boned sausage exhibited a more diverse bacterial population than did cold-boned sausage. More gram-positive organisms were found in hot-boned sausage samples. Cold-boned sausage had a lower tota...