The temperature dependence of critical currents in YBa2 Cu3 O7δ superconducting ceramics have been studied following the Ginzburg-Landau theory and the de Gennes proximity effects for a superconductor–normal-conductor interface. Based on an S/N/S weak-link model, critical currents as a function of temperature have been calculated and a model able to describe different kinds of Ic-T characteristics in 1:2:3 ceramics has been developed. A set of four YBa2 Cu3 O7δ ceramic samples has been prepared for experimental studies. These samples were annealed under different conditions. Critical currents as a function of temperature have been measured in a high-heat-transfer system. Ic-T characteristics ranging from a quadratic temperature dependence to a temperature dependence of the Josephson-tunneling type have been observed. The experimental Ic-T characteristics fit very well theoretical predictions which include the effects of randomness in the thickness of the nonsuperconducting barriers and the boundary conditions for the samples.