The predatory behavior of Lonchaea corticis Taylor on the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi Peck, in Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr., was studied by temporal sampling and dissection of terminal leaders, and by laboratory experiments. L. corticis oviposition occurred when mining P. strobi larvae were consolidating the feeding ring, an event that segregates the weevil larvae into healthy front-feeders and weak, starving "followers." The number of L. corticis within a Sitka spruce terminal was highly correlated with the number of weak and dying P. strobi larvae, but not with healthy larvae.L. corticis larvae experimentally deprived of dead P. strobi larvae, behaved as an effective predator, consuming both weak P. strobi larvae and healthy pupae, but apparently not healthy larvae. The transition of L. corticis from second to third instar appeared to occur only after sufficient weevils had been consumed. When an excess of prey was present, L. corticis larvae consumed a mean of 2.9 P. strobi pupae over their entire life cycle. In choice experiments, L. corticis larvae searched for and located mining P. strobi larvae, and fed preferentially on P. strobi pupae rather than granary weevil pupae, Sitophilus granarius L. Under certain circumstances, L. corticis could be an important regulatory agent of P. strobi populations.

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