We study numerically a model of double inflation with two massive scalar fields and no interaction potential. Such models display a non-scale-invariant spectrum when the heavy mass mh>>ml, the light mass. The spectrum of adiabatic perturbations is studied numerically for 10pmhml25 for which there is no pronounced intermediate stage between the two inflations. In that case we find that the contribution of the light scalar field to the spectrum k32Φ(k), where Φ(k) is a rms gravitational potential, is dominant on all scales where the transition from the upper to the lower "plateau" takes place. Normalization to COBE DMR yields mh3×106 Mp. When the "step" is located around 10h1001 Mpc, we get acceptable biasing parameters 2.30b2.72. However, the model has sensibly less power on intermediate scales than standard CDM, where the latter is known to give acceptable results. This will severely constrain the parameters of the model.