Hydrolysis of GTP by the α‐chain of Gs and other GTP binding proteins

The functions of G proteins—like those of bacterial elongation factor (EF) Tu and the 21 kDa ras proteins (p21ras)—depend upon their abilities to bind and hydrolyze GTP and to assume different conformations in GTP‐ and GDP‐bound states. Similarities in function and amino acid sequence indicate that EF‐Tu, p21ras, and G protein α‐chains evolved from a primordial GTP‐binding protein. Proteins in all three families appear to share common mechanisms for GTP‐dependent conformational change and hydrolysis of bound GTP. Biochemical and molecular genetic studies of the α‐chain of Gss) point to key regions that are involved in GTP‐dependent conformational change and in hydrolysis of GTP. Tumorigenic mutations of αs in human pituitary tumors inhibit‐the protein's GTPase activity and cause constitutive elevation of adenylyl cyclase activity. One such mutation replaces a Gln residue in αs that corresponds to Gln‐61 of p21ras; mutational replacements of this residue in both proteins inhibit their GTPase activities. A second class of the GTPase inhibiting mutations in αs occurs in the codon for an ARG residue whose covalent modification by cholera toxin also inhibits GTP hydrolysis by αs. This Arg residue is located in a domain of αs not represented in EF‐Tu or p21ras. We propose that this domain constitutes an intrinsic activator of GTP hydrolysis, and that it performs a function analogous to that performed for EF‐Tu by the programmed ribosome and for p21ras by the recently discovered GTPase‐activating protein. Owing to their inherited similarities of structure and function, what we learn about αs, p21ras, or EF‐tu as individual molecules helps us to understand crucial functions of other members of the super‐family.