Effect of Copulation on the Release of Pituitary Gonadotropins in Male and Female Rats

The effect of copulation on the release of pituitary LH [luteinizing hormone] and FSH [follicle-stimulating hormone] was studied in male and female rats. Plasma LH significantly increased 5-10 min. post coitum in both sexes and remained high during the 1st hour. After 2 hr. values dropped to normal levels. Also, in spayed rats pretreated with estrogen-progesterone an increase in plasma LH was found. Pituitary LH concentration 1 hr. after copulation showed a decrease of more than 50% as compared with the controls, but after 4 hr. no difference was detected. Ovarian ascorbic acid depletion, indicative of endogenous liberation of LH, was observed 1 hr. post coitum. A slight but not significant increase in pituitary FSH concentration was found 1 hr. after coitus in male and female rats and a significant increase was observed in males at 4 hr. No changes in plasma FSH were detected. Vaginal stimulation with a glass rod in the proestrous or estrous rat did not induce changes in ovarian ascorbic acid concentration nor in pituitary LH and FSH content.