Temporal patterns of nasal, oral, and retronasal perception of citral and vanillin and interaction of these odourants with selected tastants

Summary: Perceived intensities of aqueous solutions of 0.01% citral (C) and of 0.14% vanillin were estimated over time when presented nasally (sniffing), retronasally (sipping) and orally (sipping with nose pinched). the onset and decay of nasal perception was very rapid, with maximum intensity reached between 4‐8s and extinction between 9‐15s. the oral response was extremely low, while retronasal intensity reached maximum 11‐19 s after stimulation with a duration ranging from 40 to 120s. Orally, 10 of 19 subjects rated solutions containing C and citric acid (CA) significantly higher than those containing CA alone. Retronasally, citral intensity was enhanced by CA > CA + sucrose (SUC) > SUC > NaCl. Addition of xanthan gum had little effect on perception of citral. Retronasal intensity of vanillin solutions was increased by addition of sucrose (SUC) and depressed by CA and by NaCl. the results demonstrated large differences in perceived intensity and duration via the three procedures, significant alteration of oral intensity by added tastants, and marked bimodality of response upon the addition of acid to citral.

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