Neutron-scattering study of magnetic-field-induced transitions in a two-component antiferromagnetic system with competing spin anisotropies

Neutron-scattering experiments have been performed on the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet K2 Mn0.978 Fe0.022 F4 in order to study the coexisting three- and two-dimensional (d=3 and d=2) magnetic order. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range 2 K<T<60 K, and in external magnetic fields up to H=50 kOe applied perpendicular to the layers, i.e., parallel to the easy axis of magnetization. From temperature scans at constant field, and field scans at constant temperature, we have obtained an HT phase diagram consisting of four phases, namely, the paramagnetic P phase, the antiferromagnet axial A phase, an antiferromagnetic intermediate I phase, and the spin-flop or planar phase. Coming from the P to the A phase, d=3 and d=2 ordered subsystems coexist, whereas in the l phase the d=2 long-range order (LRO) gradually changes into the d=3 LRO. Upon entering the planar phase all d=2 LRO disappears and there is no longer a division in two subsystems. After leaving the planar phase the complete spin system remains fully d=3 ordered, as long as the P phase is not reached. The three ordered phases are further characterized by differences in domain structures. The HT phase diagram can be explained by assuming that in this two-component antiferromagnet with competing spin anisotropies (namely, the axial dipolar anisotropy of the Mn2+ and Fe2+ ions and the planar single-ion anisotropy of the Fe2+ ions) at H=0 a mismatch occurs in the correlations along the c axis between xy components in d=2 ordered clusters around the Fe2+ ions and the z components of the d=3 ordered Mn2+ spins in adjacent layers. Applying a sufficiently strong field forces all the moments to lie in the planes and consequently the mismatch in correlation is removed. The observed HT diagram differs from that...