Tumorigenicity of T24 urinary bladder carcinoma cell sublines

Two sublines of the T24 human urinary bladder carcinoma cell line which differ in tumorigenicity in nude mice have been studied (T24A and T24P). T24A obtained directly from the American Type Culture Collection is non-tumorigenic while T24P obtained after multiple passages in several NCI laboratories produces tumors in 100% of inoculated mice. T24P cells differ morphologically from T24A, have a higher saturation density, are less serum-dependent for growth, and are more sensitive to ouabain toxicity. Cytogenetic studies show that the 2 sublines differ significantly in chromosome number, with a modal chromosome range of 76–89 in T24A and a modal chromosome number of 48–51 in T24P. Southern blot analysis of Mspl cleaved T24A and T24P DNAs with the H-ras Smal probe indicates that both contain only the activated mutant allele originally described in T24. Northern blot analysis shows equal amounts of the l.2kB ras polyadenylated message, and immunoblotting with rasHa antibody demonstrates no significant difference in the amounts of ras proteins. These results indicate that 2 sublines of a ras oncogene-containing tumor cell line can differ greatly in tumorigenicity and other in vitro characteristics of transformation, and yet have similar expression of the ras oncogene. The fact that the tumorigenic cell line contains fewer chromosomes suggests that tumorigenicity may be related to the loss of some regulatory gene.