Cell Biology of Laryngeal Epithelial Defenses in Health and Disease: Preliminary Studies

Esophageal epithelium has intrinsic antireflux defenses, including carbonic anhydrases (CAs I to IV) that appear to be protective against gastric reflux. This study aimed to investigate the expression and distribution of CA isoenzymes in laryngeal epithelium. Laryngeal biopsy specimens collected from the vocal fold and interarytenoid regions were analyzed by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Carbonic anhydrases I and II were expressed by the majority of samples analyzed. In contrast, CA III was differentially expressed in the interarytenoid samples and was not detected in any vocal fold samples. The expression of CA III was increased in esophagitis as compared to normal esophageal tissue. Carbonic anhydrase I and III isoenzymes were distributed cytoplasmically in the basal and lower prickle cell layers. The laryngeal epithelium expresses some CA isoenzymes and has the potential to protect itself against laryngopharyngeal reflux. Laryngeal tissue may be more sensitive to injury due to reflux damage than the esophageal mucosa because of different responses of CA isoenzymes.