Magnetic susceptibility of diluted magnetic semiconductor alloys Cd1xCoxS in the temperature range 40 mK≤T≤400 K

The magnetic susceptibility of Cd1x CoxS has been measured over the temperature range 40 mK≤T≤400 K for alloy compositions 0.0016≤x≤0.082. The value of the effective exchange integral was obtained from the susceptibility data using the pair-correlation approximation and the mean-field approach, yielding Jeff/kB=-22±4 K and -20±4 K, respectively. The dependence of χ on T indicates the presence of a small temperature-independent contribution, which has been found to be consistent with the prediction of the crystal-field model for a Co2+ ion in a wurtzite-structure lattice. Results of the crystal-field model, together with the pair-correlation approximation, were also successfully applied to describe the susceptibility anisotropy observed at very low temperatures.