Specific heat ofCd1−xCoxS andCd1−xCoxSe at low temperatures

The specific heat of two diluted magnetic semiconductors, Cd1x CoxS and Cd1x CoxSe, both having the wurtzite structure, has been measured in the temperature range 0.4–4.0 K, and in various magnetic fields up to 2.8 T. In the dilute limit (x≃0.001), both materials exhibit broad maxima in the specific heat resulting from the zero-field splitting, 2D, of the ground orbital state of the Co2+ ion. From quantitative analysis we have obtained D/kB=0.97±0.03 K for Cd1x CoxS, and D/kB=0.72±0.03 K for Cd1x CoxSe. For larger concentrations x of Co2+ ions (x=0.0077), exchange interactions have to be included in the theoretical model. We have used the nearest-neighbor pair-correlation approximation (NNPA), with the distance dependence of the exchange integral given by Ji(Ri)∼(Ri )n. This approximation describes the specific-heat data quite well in the present case. The best fit of the NNPA curve has been achieved for n=6.0±1.0, which is very close to that for Mn-based diluted magnetic semiconductors.