The detailed physical and ferroelectric-related properties of the modified PbTiO3 ceramics, namely (Pb0.74Ca0.18La0.06Bi0.02)Ti0.98O3 and (Pb0.92La0.06Bi0.02)Ti0.98O3, were investigated; and the results were then discussed in terms of the usefulness of these materials for use in IR detectors. It was found that the Ca-modified PbTiO3 has a relatively high dielectric constant, high pyroelectric coefficient and favorable thermal and mechanical characteristics. These oxide ceramics have proved to have reproducible properties and are economic to fabricate. The calculated figures of merit, based on the measured properties, were compared with other PbTiO3 materials and the widely used LiTaO3 single crystal. The results indicate that the Ca-modified PbTiO3 ceramic is a promising material for both transverse mode and pyroelectric/CCD arrays.