Immunoperoxidase staining of carcinoembryonic antigen with monoclonal antibodies in adenocarcinoma of the colon

Mouse monoclonal antibodies to carcinoembryogenic antigen (CEA) obtained by the somatic cell hybridization technique of Köhler and Milstein were used in a modified enzyme bridge immunoperoxidase staining method. Both high and low affinity antibodies were tested and their staining properties compared with those of a commercial polyvalent rabbit antiserum. The staining pattern of neoplastic epithelial cells in all seven antibodies in samples of primary adenocarcinoma of the colon was similar, indicating that no gross differences were found in the exposure of the different antigenic determinants of CEA in formalin fixed tissue. The background staining of the monoclonal antibodies was negligible. It is concluded that monoclonal antibodies are superior to conventional antisera in immunoperoxidase staining of CEA.