Scintillation Counter Study of Gamma Rays from Proton Capture in Sodium

The spectrum of the gamma rays produced by the resonant capture of 305-kev protons by sodium has been studied with a single-crystal scintillation spectrometer having a resolution of 21 percent at 6 Mev, and with a three-crystal scintillation pair spectrometer having a resolution of 7 percent at 6 Mev. Gamma rays of energies 10.61±0.05 Mev, 7.9±0.2 Mev, 6.7±0.2 Mev, 4.2±0.1 Mev, and 1.38±0.03 Mev were observed. Cascades were found from coincidence measurements. The energies of the gamma rays and cascades are consistent with transitions between known levels of Mg24.