Search for parity mixing in theTc9317/2−isomer: measurements of internal conversion coefficients

The internal conversion coefficients were measured for several transitions in Tc93 with an electron spectrometer and a Ge(Li) detector. The Mo92(α,p2n) reaction was used to study the decay of the isomeric τ=15 μsec 172 level at 2185.3 keV as well as the decay of the prompt 172+ level at 2185.0 keV. Due to parity mixing the wave function for the 172 isomeric level may have the form |172+α|172+ where α is small. The experimental K-shell conversion coefficients for the 172132+ and 172+132+ transitions imply Γ(E2,172132+)Γ(E2+M2+E3,172132+)<~0.33. The energy difference between the prompt and delayed γ-ray transitions to the 132+ level was measured to be 0.32 ± 0.03 keV. These results imply |172+|Hpv|172|<~0.13 eV for the matrix element of the parity violating Hamiltonian.