Spectroscopy of hydrogenlike and heliumlike argon

The x-ray transitions (n=2n=1) emitted by fast hydrogenlike and heliumlike argon ions have been studied. The absolute energy of the Lyman α lines of hydrogenlike ions has been measured and the value of the (1s) Lamb shift of argon evaluated for the first time. The P1,23 and P11 transitions of heliumlike argon have also been studied at very high precision and their energies compared to multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations. The energies of Lyman α lines are of 3323.2±0.5 eV (Lyα1) and 3318.1±0.5 eV (Lyα2), and those of n=2n=1 transitions for heliumlike argon are of 3123.6±0.25 eV (P13), 3126.4±0.4 eV (P23), and 3139.6±0.25 eV (P11).