MeasuringCPviolation in theB0B¯0system with asymmetric-energye+e−beams

We have studied in some detail the possibility of observing CP violation in the B-meson system using asymmetric-energy e+ e beams colliding with a center-of-mass energy corresponding to the Υ(4S) mass. If a CP eigenstate is detected in conjunction with an identified B0 or B¯0, the distribution of the flight path between decays contains a term which provides a measurement of CP violation, as discussed in this paper. The moving B mesons in the laboratory make this flight-path measurement possible. The use of the Υ(4S) provides the largest BB¯ cross section in e+ e production, other than from the Z0, and allows excellent background rejection because the B is monoenergetic in the center-of-mass frame. Since there are no extra fragmentation products accompanying the BB¯ in the event, very simple tagging strategies can be used to separate B0 from B¯0 decays, providing a tagging efficiency close to 50%. The CP eigenstates studied in this paper are J/ψ+KS0, J/ψ+K*0 and ψ’+KS0. Given an adequate detector, the integrated luminosity needed to observe CP violation in the standard model is expected to be about 2×1040 cm2 or 107 produced B0B¯0 pairs.