Study of HLA system in a Mataco population:

A search for antigens of the HLA system was carried out in 53 Mataco Indians of Argentina living in a geographically isolated area in the northeast of the country. Samples were mostly collected from adults of both sexes who were not directly related. Lymphocyte typing was performed using the microcytotoxicity technique of NIH [National Institute of Health]; 118 sera specific for 15 antigens of the 1st HLA locus, 22 antigens of the 2nd and 6 of the 3rd were used. The most frequently found alleles were HLA-A28, Aw31 and A2 for the 1st locus; B15 and B40 for the 2nd; and Cw3 and Cw4 for the 3rd. In addition to previously published investigations on South American Indians, this typing work shows a remarkable homogeneous gene pool and a restricted range of polymorphism; a further set of haplotypes rendered this study also restricted. The most frequent haplotypes that showed a significant statistical linkage desequilibrium were: A2-Cw4, A28-Bx, A2-Cw3, Aw31-Bw16, Aw24-Cw3, B15-Cw3, Bw16-Cw3 and A28-B5. Some of these haplotypes have also beeen found in other Indian populations.