Diffusion of tritons, deuterons, and protons inLiNbO3crystals

Infrared absorption of OT, OD, and OH ions is used to monitor the presence of the three hydrogenic isotopes in LiNbO3 single crystals. Tritium ions were produced by transmutation of the Li36 nucleus via a (01n,24He) reaction using thermal neutrons. OD ions were added to the crystal by subsequent heat treatments in D2O vapor. There exist several configurations for each isotope, and each configuration is common to all three isotopes. Following isochronal heat treatments, the corresponding infrared bands for the three isotopes exhibit similar decay and growth behavior. Diffusion coefficients for all three hydrogenic species have been obtained. Between 900 and 975 K the diffusion coefficients were of the order of 107 cm2/s.