Photoemission and inverse-photoemission studies of Ba1xKxBiO3y

X-ray and inverse photoemission were used to investigate the occupied and unoccupied electronic states of Ba1x Kx BiO3y. The results show metallic character with a low density of states on either side of EF and a broad manifold from -13 to 2 eV consisting of Bi-O sp hybrids. Generally good agreement of theory with experiment is found except that the centroid of the calculated Bi-O manifold is 1 eV too close to EF (as for the high-Tc superconductors). Core-level results indicate single chemical environments for O, Ba, and K. The Bi 4f results suggest inequivalent Bi environments. All core-level spectra show energy-loss features shifted 1 eV to a higher binding energy relative to the main line. Unoccupied electronic state structures at 4, 7, 9, and 14 eV reflect Bi 6p, Ba 5d, K 3d, and Ba 4f bands, respectively. Photon emission associated with plasmon decay is observed as a constant energy feature at =22.4 eV. Inverse-photoemission resonance studies for incident electron energies that would excite O 2s-2p transitions show no enhancement of the O 2p holes directly above EF.