The biology Of Laminaria hyperborea IX. Growth pattern of fronds

INTRODUCTIONIn the genus Laminaria the origin of the growth of the frond (blade, lamina) is known to be the meristematic transition zone between frond and stipe. Parke (1948) showed, by observing holes punched in the frond, that the fastest rate of growth in length in L. saccharina (L.) Lamour. was in the proximal 25 mm. However, during measurements of the rate of growth of fronds of plants of known age on previously cleared areas (Kain, 1976), it was noted that in L. hyperborea (Gunn.) Fosl. the maximum rate of elongation occurred at some distance from the transition zone. This led to an investigation of the whole pattern of growth, in terms of elongation, increase in area, decrease in thickness and change in cell size and numbers over the surface of the frond at different stages.