Q-value dependence of inelastic scattering and multinucleon transfer reactionsAl27+O16at 88 MeV: OptimumQvalues andQ-value dependence of angular distributions of reaction products

Al27(O16,X) reactions are studied at 88 MeV. The A and Z of reaction products X=O16,N15,14,13,C13,12,B11,10,Be9,7 and Li7,6 are identified. Despite the low bombarding energy, the general features of (i) energy spectra, (ii) the optimum Q values Qeffm and (iii) angular distributions in 5 MeV intervals in Q are very similar to those of much higher energy data of heavier systems: i.e., (i) dominance of deep inelastic reactions, (ii) Qeffm values well reproduced by the "universal" relations previously found for deep inelastic reactions, and (iii) σ(θ,Q) of a form Aexp[μ(Q)θ]sinθ. The variations of Qeffm with θ and of μ with Q and n, the number of transferred nucleons, are discussed in connection with the gradual evolution in reaction mechanisms from quasielastic to deep inelastic to complete fusion.