Radiothyroxine was administered intravenously to 17 children, 3-9 years old. Plasma disappearance curves were plotted on semilogarithmic coordinates, and the data were solved using a two-compartment system model. The half life (T1/2) was 4.95 days, and the turnover rate was 13.89% of the dose/day. The effective total volume of distribution of thyroxine (TVD) was 2.406 1 (3.951 I/m2, 0.156 I/kg); the effective extra-thyroidal thyroxine (ETT4) was 145.2 [mu]g (238.4 [mu]g/m2, 8.9 [mu]g/kg); and, the degradation rate was 19.68 [mu]g/day (32.0 ug/m2/day, 129 [mu]g/kg/day) .