Geometrically non‐linear formulation for three dimensional curved beam elements with large rotations

This paper presents a geometrically non‐linear formulation (GNL) for the three dimensional curved beam elements using the total Lagrangian approach. The element geometry is constructed using co‐ordinates of the nodes on the centroidal or reference axis and the orthogonal nodal vectors representing the principal bending directions. The element displacement field is described using three translations at the element nodes and three rotations about the local axes The element displacement field has also been described in the literature using Euler parameters, Milenkovic parameters, or Rodriges parameters representing the effects of large rotations. . The GNL three dimensional beam element formulations based on these element approximations are restricted to small nodal rotations between two successive load increments. The element formulation presented here removes such restrictions. This is accomplished by retaining non‐linear nodal terms in the definition of the element displacement field, and the consistent derivation of the element properties. The formulation presented here is very general and yet can be made specific by selecting proper non‐linear functions representing the effects of nodal rotations. The details of the element properties are presented and discussed. Numerical examples are also presented to demonstrate the behaviour and the accuracy of the elements. A comparison of the results obtained from the present formulation with those available in the literature using a linearized element approximation clearly demonstrate the superiority of the formulation in terms of large load steps, large rotations between two load steps and extremely good convergence characteristics during equilibrium iterations. The displacement approximation of these elements is fully compatible with the isoparametric curved shell elements (with large rotations), and since the elements possess offset capability, these elements can also serve as stiffeners for the curved shells.