Hypercortisolism and Obesity

Obesity is a multifactorial heterogenous condition. The location of excess fat on the body determines the risk of morbidity and mortality for significant disease. Visceral, or intraabdominal, fat is the fat depot most highly associated with illness and death from cardiocerebrovascular disease and diabetes. Visceral fat is also associated with a quartet of metabolic disturbances. Referred to as the metabolic syndrome, these abnormalities include hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance. The metabolic syndrome is also present in Cushing's syndrome, which is characterized by primary hypercortisolism as well as profound visceral adiposity and obesity. The interrelationship between hyperactivation or hypersensitivity of the stress axis and disease can be elucidated by an understanding of the effect of excess glucocorticoids upon energy storage and metabolism. The complex interactions of the stress axis upon the growth and reproductive axes, as well as upon the adipose tissue, suggest that chronic stress, whether psychological and/or physical, exerts an intense effect upon body composition, which, in turn, significantly affects the longevity and survival of the organism.