Synthesis of β-SiC Layer in Silicon by Carbon Ion `Hot' Implantation

A β-SiC layer was prepared by the carbon ion implantation technique into silicon substrates heated up to 450°C with annealing treatment. The carbon ion was implanted at an energy of 30 keV and dose in the range of 1-5×1017 ions/cm2. β-SiC grains, whose size was 100-500 Å, were observed in the implanted layer after annealing at 1200°C, by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. The dependence of substrate temperature, carbon ion dose, and annealing temperature on SiC formation was investigated by infrared absorption, electron spin resonance, and Auger electron spectroscopies. `Hot' implantation, which is a method of heating the substrate during carbon ion implantation, was effective for enhancing the formation of Si-C bonds.