The use of an ultra‐low viscosity medium (VCD/HXSA) in the rapid embedding of plant cells for electron microscopy

SUMMARY: The VCD/HXSA ultra‐low viscosity medium is characterized by a viscosity of only 20 cps at 298 K. This is extremely useful for rapid embedding schedules and facilitates cutting large sections even from difficult materials. The suitability of this medium for ultrastructural studies is tested with plant specimens ranging from soft, highly vacuolated parenchymatous tissue to hard thick‐walled cells impregnated with a variety of substances or covered with mucilage. The results, when compared with those from similar materials infiltrated with Spurr's and Epon embedding media, show that the general preservation of the cellular structure is comparable for all the three media tested. In addition, embeddment in VCA/HXSA medium results in better preservation of some vacuolar features and in the reduction of plasmolysis.