Ground states and excitation spectra of baryons in a non-Coulombic power-law potential model

Under the assumption that baryons are an assembly of independent quarks, confined in a first approximation by an effective non-Coulombic power-law potential which presumably represents the nonperturbative multigluon interactions including gluon self-coupling, the ground state and the excitation spectra of the light and strange baryons are studied, taking into account the contribution of the quark-gluon coupling perturbatively due to one-gluon exchange along with that of the quark-pion coupling arising out of the requirement of chiral symmetry in one model and that of the Goldstone boson (π, η, and k) exchange interaction arising from spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in a second model. Both of these models, which (i) include an appreciable contribution from the color-magnetic interaction and (ii) treat the meson degree of freedom perturbatively in a manner as is done in the cloudy bag model, are capable of describing the ground state mass spectrum of octet baryons in close agreement with experiment but fail to provide the simultaneous description of both ground states and radial excitations, especially the correct ordering of the positive- and negative-parity excitations in the N, Δ, and Λ spectra.