Trophic Level Relationships in Pelagic Food Webs: Comparisons Derived from Long-Term Data Sets for Oneida Lake, New York (USA), and Lake St. George, Ontario (Canada)

We used standardized methods to analyze a 14-yr data set from Oneida Lake and a 10-yr data set from Lake St. George. We estimated mean summer concentrations of several trophic level indicators including piscivores, planktivores, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and total phosphorus, and we then investigated the relationships between these variables. Both data sets yielded similar long-term and short-term trends. The long-term mean annual trends were that (1) the relationships between concentrations of planktivores and zooplankton (including daphnids) were always negative, (2) the relationships between concentrations of zooplankton and various measures of phytoplankton abundance were unpredictable and never statistically significant, and (3) the relationships between total phosphorus and various measures of phytoplankton abundance were always positive. Over short periods, the data from both lakes showed periodic, strong top-down relationships between concentrations of zooplankton (especially large Daphnia) and chlorophyll a, but these events were unpredictable and were seldom related to piscivore abundance.