The Role of High-Mobility Group I(Y) Proteins in Expression of IL-2 and T Cell Proliferation

The high-mobility group I(Y) (HMGI(Y)) family of proteins plays an important architectural role in chromatin and have been implicated in the control of inducible gene expression. We have previously shown that expression of HMGI antisense RNA in Jurkat T cells inhibits the activity of the IL-2 promoter. Here we have investigated the role of HMGI(Y) in controlling IL-2 promoter-reporter constructs as well as the endogenous IL-2 gene in both Jurkat T cells and human PBL. We found that the IL-2 promoter has numerous binding sites for HMGI(Y), which overlap or are adjacent to the known transcription factor binding sites. HMGI(Y) modulates binding to the IL-2 promoter of at least three transcription factor families, AP-1, NF-AT and NF-κB. By using a mutant HMGI that cannot bind to DNA but can still interact with the transcription factors, we found that DNA binding by HMGI was not essential for the promotion of transcription factor binding. However, the non-DNA binding mutant acts as a dominant negative protein in transfection assays, suggesting that the formation of functional HMGI(Y)-containing complexes requires DNA binding as well as protein:protein interactions. The alteration of HMGI(Y) levels affects IL-2 promoter activity not only in Jurkat T cells but also in PBL. Importantly, we also show here that expression of the endogenous IL-2 gene as well as proliferation of PBL are affected by changes in HMGI(Y) levels. These results demonstrate a major role for HMGI(Y) in IL-2 expression and hence T cell proliferation.